Sale of real estate In Levov

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Secondary housing is apartments for which the right of ownership has already been registered. In the case of rented real estate, this means that the owners have already lived in the apartment or it was rented out earlier. Note that we are talking not only about houses of the 20th century - housing in new buildings, and a private house / cottage, and an apartment in Khrushchev can be secondary.

Among the advantages of secondary housing is low cost (as purchases , and rent), a wide range of options. Of the obvious shortcomings, again, excessive wear of the same communications, an outdated layout of apartments, including ambiguous neighbors, is possible.

In more detail, among the advantages of secondary housing:

  • Price. Such square meters are cheaper than new housing with a fresh renovation;
  • Affordability. This option is easier to find with small children or pets. In addition, secondary housing can be rented in any of the districts of the city, when new buildings are mainly concentrated in certain parts of it;
  • Diversity. The choice of secondary apartments is much larger;
  • Definiteness. Any possible problems and features of the house are already known, when in new buildings this is often an unpleasant surprise.
  • Mainly attention is paid to:

    • The cost per square meter in the area;
    • The total number of storeys of the house and the location of the apartment in the house. Housing on the first and last floors is usually cheaper;
    • State of repair;
    • The presence of unregistered redevelopments;
    • District infrastructure;
    • Transport interchange;
    • Distance from city center;
    • Ecological situation in the area and nearby infrastructure.

    In addition, after evaluating the above factors, a comparative analysis of similar objects is carried out.

    After evaluating and setting the price of an apartment, there is always a maneuver for bargaining, which is understood by buyers in the real estate market as a generally accepted slight price reduction when they are interested in a particular apartment.

Not really. Many really believe that this will expand the circle of buyers and help sell real estate faster and more profitably. But, more often than not, it works against you. The fact is that the common database of real estate objects, used by most agents, immediately allows you to determine the ads of different agents offering the same object. At the same time, the circle of potential buyers of a particular property is limited. As a result, agents begin to compete with each other for the same clients, reducing the price - of course, this is done by reducing the value of real estate by putting pressure on the seller. Thus, you are a loser, and instead of an interested and decent buyer, you can get the first one ready to pay.

As a rule, developers and realtors sell apartments in new buildings under the same conditions according to a single price list approved by the developer. The developer himself pays the commission to the broker for the implementation of his project: the amount is set on an individual basis and depends on the complexity of the project, as well as on the situation on the market.

In other words: You do not pay any commission to the realtor.

The choice remains with the client, but the realtor in such cases will be able to quickly select the necessary option and agree on a flexible installment system, for example. He will also take care of all organizational issues.

In most cases, yes! If a real estate agency works according to the European brokerage model, this means that the services of specialists are paid not by the buyer of the apartment, but by the seller - the developer or investor.

For clients in this case, our realtor consultation and expertise is absolutely free. At the same time, all promotional offers, installment terms from the developer remain.

Feel free to contact the specialists of our agency and be sure of a positive result!

The owner of the house at the time of re-registration must have the following package of documents:

  • A document confirming the ownership of this property.
  • Passport, TIN of the seller and other owners of the house, if any. If children under the age of 18 are declared among the owners, then their birth certificates will be required.
  • Cadastral number of the land plot.
  • State act on the land.
  • Written consent of the spouse or spouse to conduct a purchase and sale transaction and their marriage>
  • A document that reflects the actual number of registered people in the house. This document is valid for a month from the date of issue.
  • Sometimes a registration certificate is required.
  • Property valuation document. Its validity is 6 months.
  • If the owner is not a resident of Ukraine, then his passport, TIN and a notarized translation of the passport will be required. The cost of certification depends on the target language. On average - 600 hryvnia.
  • If the seller is a stateless person, then you must provide the original residence permit and TIN.

Each case is individual, it is difficult to say on average. The size of the acquired land and the house also affects the costs: the larger the area, the greater the costs. On average, the cost to a buyer can range from $500 to $2,000.

1. Plot boundaries

Surveying is always carried out to determine the clear boundaries of a land plot. Therefore, before purchasing it, you need to find out if this procedure was carried out. After the procedure and the transaction, the following documents should remain on hand:

  • topographic plan with the designation of underground utilities (for example, power supply cables and sewer pipes);
  • survey plan;
  • cadastral plan of the land plot.
2. Quality of the site

The site may be flooded during the spring flood. It may have a strong slope and (or) a large number of ravines, which will make building a house much more difficult. Also, water runoff from neighboring owners can be organized on the site. Therefore, before buying all this must be checked.

3. Land category

Each land has its own purpose (category). And it depends on the category whether it is possible to build a residential building on the site or not. For example, if this is agricultural land, then the construction of residential buildings on it is strictly prohibited.

4. Communications

We check the water supply, connection to the sewerage, electricity, heating systems and so on.

5. Infrastructure

Firstly, we learn about transport and the quality of roads. Shops, hospitals, a kindergarten and a school are also needed nearby. In addition, mail delivery and garbage collection are required.

6. "Pitfalls"

It would not be superfluous to know about the 'pitfalls' that may arise when buying a land plot and complicate this process. And this can happen if the land:

  • is in shared ownership;
  • is part of specially protected natural areas;
  • on the right of perpetual use;
  • ▫️is subject to withdrawal for the needs of the state.

The buyer receives the following documents:

  • contract of sale;
  • extraction from the state register of registration of the contract;
  • original the state act, in which a note was made on the alienation of the land plot;
  • a copy of the certificate from the land cadastre on the presence of encumbrances on the land plot.

A lease agreement is a document where the landlord and the tenant write down the details and terms of the transaction. It is designed to resolve relations and protect the parties in disputable situations when renting an apartment. Relations are regulated by the Civil Code of Ukraine and its 59 chapter - "Hiring, renting a home."

The document also indicates:

  • the period for which the contract is concluded;
  • the areas of responsibility of the lessor and the tenant;
  • the amount of payment;
  • terms of termination of the contract.

How to find an apartment for rent?

First of all, decide on your wishes. You must clearly understand where you would like to rent housing, what is the budget, what must be in the apartment and take into account your features - for example, if you want to live with a pet, this must be indicated immediately.

Consider several options, do not be afraid to ask questions to the owner, be sure to study the documents for the apartment and clarify all the nuances of communications and any damage to the housing. Do not forget about the services of a lawyer and the conclusion of a contract. With all this, an experienced realtor can also help you!